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Everyone has heard of Serial Murder, but what is Serial Defense?

I developed Serial Defense to assist the public when series of sex crimes and/or homicides are occurring in a specific area; And, when citizens need to take proactive measures for their own self-defense, and, for the defense of their family members.


  • Our first task is to look at Serial offenders who commit violent crimes motivated by their sexual compulsion and/or homicidal acts.
  • They are not restricted to geographical boundaries, and
  • The time-line for their violent offenses can be separated by hours, days, weeks, months or even years.
  • As you listen to each episode, place yourself in the position as one of the offender’s victims.
  • Consider how you or your family can protect yourselves from being chosen as the offender’s victim;
  • and if you were chosen, what you could do to survive the encounter;
  • Think of the actions the victim had control over, and what you might do differently to effectively fight back.
  • Once you become a member of our Serial Defense program;
  • You will have full access to the episodes on Serial Defense including additional self-defense and personal safety tactics and techniques.
  • If you are not a member of our Serial Defense program, you can join us on our website at SerialDefense.com
  • You can sign up for just $5.00 per month for full access;
  • My ultimate objective is to provide you with knowledge that will empower you on your options for survival. 
  • Look for future Podcast on Serial Defense that will highlight other Serial offenders from the distant and recent past, whether they were in your city, state or even your country.

I leave you with my three rules of Self defense:

  • Protect yourself at all times!
  • Do unto bad guys before they do unto you, and
  • Always and everywhere – Be ready!


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