About Joey Walker

Joey Walker provides real world tactical and technical information on how to mitigate any number of threats from Active Shooter Defense, Protection against Stalkers, and Self Defense courses for Civilian and Law Enforcement personnel.

Joey utilizes his expertise as a 10th Degree Black Belt in the Martial Arts with two World Karate Champions to formulate techniques that practical, easy, and effective against violent assailants. Joey is also the author of three books: “Self- Defense Tactics and Techniques”, “Shots Fired” Surviving an Active Shooter/Assailant and his latest released book “Disarm and Disable” the Active Shooter Defense guide.  This latest book was created to provide tactics and techniques for a variety of active shooting issues to include the Oct 1, 2017 Las Vegas, NV sniper attack. Mr. Walker has appeared on numerous local radio and television appearances covering threat mitigation strategies from Stalking, Workplace Violence and the defense against an Active Shooter/Assailant. 

During his 25-year law enforcement career with the Reno Police Department, Joey has worked with the Los Angeles Police Department’s Gang Unit and the Threat Management Unit. Walker then authored the “Police Officer’s Guide to Stalking” handbook for the Reno Police Department.  Joey was a member of the Reno Police Honor Guard, where he performed numerous occasions as a professional trumpet player at the National Law Enforcement Peace Officer’s Memorial in Washington, D.C. and Nevada State Peace Officer’s Memorial.  Joey was certified as a Physical Fitness Instructor by the F.B.I. and provided martial arts instruction to the Washoe County Sheriff’s Department and Reno Police Department Defensive Tactics Instructors, and a host of local, state, and Federal law enforcement agencies. Walker has performed dignitary protection and Threat Assessments for President Gerald Ford, Bernice King, Martin Luther King III, Merle-Evers Williams, and Hank Aaron. 

Upon retiring from the Reno Police Department, Joey worked for the United States Department of Homeland Security where he provided training for several State and Federal agencies on Defensive Tactics and Active Shooter Defense. Joey attended training on Behavior Detection and Small Unit Tactics Training and Dignitary Protection.  Due to his extensive background in the Martial Arts, Threat Mitigation, Law Enforcement Defensive Tactics and Use of Force Options, Mr. Walker is sought out for Criminal and Civil trials and case preparations as an Expert Witness within these fields of expertise.

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